Thursday, May 17, 2012

A Rare Moment

Do we think
Of wonder, peace?
Of still tranquility?
When thoughts of waiting come to mind
Do we pause
Consider the serenity?

It is rare

For no moment’s left untarnished
By the sullied touch
Of life’s compelling hand.
No moment of calm
Undisturbed by stress

For waiting’s always restless
Always asking more
Never time left for reflection
Never silent
Never still

Few find time
To embrace the moment
To seize the day
To cling to respite
To win the peace.
Once life silent
Once life still
Now life tattered
Now life torn

Now what?

Take the moment
Seize the day
Cling to respite
Win the peace
And maybe

When we think of waiting,
With joy we will look back
As with happy hearts contented
For we have found
What few can claim
For our waiting is not waiting
But awakening.